Although Xianfeng Yuanbao is a low-yielding variety, it has a long-term casting time and a wide circulation area. Therefore, it has been the most concerned and devoted to the collection and appreciation of ancient spring fans since ancient times. Among the many large sums of Xianfeng, the Xianfeng Yuanbao should be recommended as the tenth coin. The longest casting period, the largest number, the most layout, and the widest circulation, all of which occupy the first place in Xianfeng Big Money.
The total amount and quantity of the money bureau is the greatest charm of Xianfeng. The so-called money bureau is full and the quantity is large. That is to say, almost all the money bureaus in the Xianfeng period are cast as ten, and the editions are diverse. It will take little time to start without having to spend much time. It will only take time to get started. A large number of handed down American products, a standard is a large number of old big money, they are very "arranged", and then read their different money bureaus: spring, source, straight, river, Jin, Shaanxi, Gong, Su, Zhe, Chang, Fu, Wu, Gui, Chuan, Yun, Dong, Yi, etc., or there are quite a few different sizes in the meantime, it is so comfortable.
In the Qing Dynasty, the Xianfeng Yuanbao was undoubtedly exquisite in terms of appearance, which was mainly due to its unparalleled superb casting process. Well, this is a good appearance. Because there are not many coins handed down by Xianfeng Yuanbao, the deposit is very rare, so the coin is very precious. At present, the Xianfeng Yuanbao, which is extremely scarce in the market, is difficult to make ten coins. The estimated huge appreciation space is highly collectible.
In the Qing Dynasty, the Xianfeng Yuanbao was undoubtedly exquisite in terms of appearance, which was mainly due to its unparalleled superb casting process. Well, this is a good appearance. Because there are not many coins handed down by Xianfeng Yuanbao, the deposit is very rare, so the coin is very precious. At present, the Xianfeng Yuanbao, which is extremely scarce in the market, is difficult to make ten coins. The estimated huge appreciation space is highly collectible.
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